Garage Equipment UK are now able to carry out Portable Appliance Testing for a wide range of Clients Nationwide. Our goal is to provide Businesses and organisations with a cost-effective solution to comply with the electricity at work regulations.
As an employer, Landlord /letting agent, you have a duty of care to comply with the necessary Electricity at work regulations. These regulations state that you are responsible by law, for the prevention of any harm coming to employees, tenants and customers when using electrical equipment provided by you or your organisation/business.
The test will include any item that has a mains Voltage plug attached to it.
Examples of Electrical Equipment that would need to be tested.
Computers, Fridges, Lamps, Hoovers, Electrical Drills, Microwaves, Toasters, Kettles, Etc.
Many Businesses are unaware of the Insurance implications of not having an up to date Portable Appliance Testing programme in place. Failure to carry out the necessary testing can result in your insurance company refusing to pay out in the unfortunate circumstances of an accident or a fire.
Each year there are around 1250 reported accidents at work involving electrical burns and electrical shock. Around 3% of these reported accidents are fatal.
Faulty electrical appliances are the main cause of accidental fires in commercial buildings. At present they represent over 25% of all such fires.
Our aim at Garage Equipment UK is to enable you to implement a satisfactory testing programme at a realistic price.